Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Village

I have added some new links in the side bar which will give you some idea of the village.

The link to the school shows where Peter is learning and where Genevieve will start next year. Peter is in year 3 or Triangles Class so you can see his classroom. There are some nice views of the village on this site.

Mother goes to Batemans Brewery for lunch once a week - click on the visitor centre button to see the eatery.

One of the great characters of the village, when we first came, was Dennis with his heavy hat covered in archery club badges. In the 1950s he and his wife Gladys went by normal bus from Friskney to Sweden for the European Games. Gladys won the Silver Medal for her archery. There were mourners from all over the world at his funeral. Very moving. See him on the Archery site gallery showing Prince Edward how to draw a bow.